What are Clinical Trials?
Clinical Trials help scientists and doctors explore whether a drug is safe and whether it works. Before a doctor can prescribe a new drug, it must go through several phases of clinical research. Clinical research is only possible with the help of volunteers who participate in research studies. Participation is a choice, and volunteers may stop participating at any time.
Participation Benefits

- Compensation for your time
- Transportation
- Free medical Care
- Possible access to a new medication
- Lifestyle coaching and education
- A new family and a new home
Current and Upcoming Studies

NASH / Fatty Liver
​NASH is the most common chronic liver disorder in industrialized countries, affecting around 15% of the US adult population. NASH is the consequence of a sedentary lifestyle and is associated with excess fat and excess sugar diets. Some patients are more at risk of having NASH because they have risk factors for this condition. The risk factors include age, overweight and obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and altered lipid levels. Patients with NASH have a greater risk of cardiovascular complications.
If you have been diagnosed with any of the previous conditions and you are 18 years old or older you may be eligible to participate in one of our NASH (Fatty Liver) studies.

Liver Cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is severe scarring of the liver. This serious condition can be caused by many forms of liver diseases and conditions, such as NASH, hepatitis, or chronic alcoholism. Each time your liver is injured — whether by excessive alcohol consumption or another cause, such as infection — it tries to repair itself. In the process, scar tissue forms. As cirrhosis gets worse, more and more scar tissue forms, making it difficult for the liver to do its job.
Cirrhosis involves permanent scarring in your liver, which can’t be undone. While your liver has great healing powers in general, cirrhosis is a stage of disease where it doesn’t have enough healthy cells left to heal itself with. But you may be able to slow or stop cirrhosis from progressing further. This depends on what’s causing it, how treatable the cause is, and how well you respond to the treatment.
Currently, there are no FDA-approved treatments available to help people with this condition., but you can try new medication in our clinic that may help you to slow your cirrhosis.

Hepatic Failure
Hepatic failure or liver failure, occurs either suddenly (acute) or gradually (chronic). Causes include a reaction to a medication, high doses of acetaminophen or paracetamol, hepatitis infection, alcohol abuse, and advanced fatty liver.
Yellowed skin and eyes (jaundice) along with belly pain and swelling are symptoms of liver failure.
People may experience pain in the abdomen, fatigue, loss of appetite, or water-electrolyte imbalance, bloating or nausea, mental confusion, yellow skin and eyes, bad breath from liver disease, bleeding, bruising, flapping hand tremors, itching, or swelling.
If you have been diagnosed with liver failure or liver impairment and/ or have any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you may be eligible to participate in our clinical trial.

Hypertriglyceridemia means you have too many triglycerides (fats) in your blood. This raises your risk of atherosclerosis and related heart diseases.
Elevated triglycerides may contribute to pancreatitis or hardening of the arteries. This increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, and heart disease.
Most often, there are no symptoms of having elevated triglycerides.
If you are struggling to control very high levels of triglycerides and you are ≥22 years of age, you may be eligible to participate in our clinical trial. Help us test a research medication that may lower triglyceride (TG) levels in people whose TG levels are very high,

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp. Psoriasis is a common, long-term (chronic) disease with no cure.
Like many skin conditions, psoriasis can be both difficult to control and can also take a toll on self-esteem, causing sufferers to feel embarrassed or self-conscious. Although there are many medications available, they do not work for everyone and can sometimes cause unwanted side effects. This is why doctors and researchers are working to develop new medications that may be better for treating psoriasis in the future.
This study evaluates an investigational oral medication for psoriasis. The study lasts about 1 year and involves a total of 20 visits. These visits allow us to closely monitor your progress, and discuss your overall experiences.

Dermatitis / Eczema
Eczema is a condition that causes your skin to become dry, itchy, and bumpy. This condition weakens your skin's barrier function, which is responsible for helping your skin retain moisture and protect your body from outside elements. Eczema is a type of dermatitis.
Millions of adults struggle with eczema or atopic dermatitis and constantly battle against skin irritation. Although there are many medications available they do not work for everyone and can sometimes cause unwanted side effects. This is why doctors and researchers are working to develop new medications that may better treat eczema in the future.
This study evaluates an investigational oral medication for moderate to severe eczema. This study lasts about 9 months and involves a total of 18 visits. These visits allow us to closely monitor your progress, and discuss your ove

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs. Symptoms include breathing difficulty, cough, mucus (sputum) production, and wheezing. It's typically caused by long-term exposure to irritating gases or particulate matter, most often from cigarette smoke. People with COPD are at increased risk of developing heart disease, lung cancer, and a variety of other conditions.
Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the two most common conditions that contribute to COPD. These two conditions usually occur together and can vary in severity among individuals with COPD.
There is no cure for COPD. There are treatments available for doctors to prescribe, including treatments called maintenance therapies to help maintain regular breathing. If you have had a COPD exacerbation in the last 12 months that required medical attention, you may qualify to participate in a clinical research study. We are testing new investigational therapies to find out if they can reduce airway inflammation and improve COPD symptoms.
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